Doctors are highly intelligent when it comes to their jobs. They have had years of schooling and tons of practice that has given them the ability to practice medicine. With their education and experience, patients expect a standard of care from doctors that satisfy them and their needs. When an individual is unsure of how to recover from a health dilemma, they consult a doctor and seek treatment. They trust healthcare professionals to help them and make them feel better. This trust can be broken if a doctor acts negligently. Negligence is a form of medical malpractice. If a doctor acts negligently, they can be held accountable for this kind of behavior. Doctors should always do all they can to help a patient unless a patient refuses care. If they fail to do their job due to negligence, they can be blamed for this mistake. There is a difference between making a mistake and acting negligently. The difference must be clarified to hold a doctor responsible for their actions or lack of action.
If a patient wishes to file a lawsuit against their healthcare professional, they can do so. This gives them the ability to recover damages from the lawsuit. These damages can come in the form of economic or non-economic damages. Damages are monetary compensation that individuals can receive from a lawsuit that they have filed. Economic damages can cover expenses for medical bills, lost wages and lost future wages. Non-economic damages can recover compensation for emotional turmoil. This may include pain and suffering that you have experienced as a result of your accident and injuries.
What are examples of medical malpractice?
Medical malpractice can include involve negligence on behalf of a range of practices. There are a range of issues that may be done to patients that make them seek a lawsuit. These issues can include failure to diagnose, delayed diagnosis, surgical mistakes, emergency room errors, prescription mistakes and overdoses, labor and birth injuries, anesthesia errors, inadequate consent, improper care and follow up and post-surgical or hospital-acquired infections. These acts can show that malpractice was a part of the doctor’s behavior.
Albers & Associates is comprised of experienced personal injury, criminal defense, and family law attorneys. Our firm is proud to serve clients in Baltimore, Maryland. If you require strong legal representation that will fight to protect your future, contact the attorneys at Albers & Associates to schedule a consultation.